Uch Power Plant is a combined cycle power plant, located in Dera Murad Jamali, Nasirabad District, Baluchistan, Pakistan, it consists of two power station and total capacity is about 980 MW, owned by Engie a French Energy giant. This plant is regarded one of the most reliable and favorable power station in the region; its reliability is 97% and it uses low btu gas.
It was installed in two phases:
Phase 1 (Uch-1):
Uch-1 consists of three GE frame 9E gas turbines (127.5MW each), three 3-pressures Deltak HRSGs and one GE Steam turbine (200MW) total capacity 582 MW, plant was commissioned in 2000. Gas turbines are dual fuel with primary fuel as low Btu gas. Turbines used DLN2.1 combustion technology
Phase 2 (Uch-2):
Uch-2 consisted of two Frame 9E and one Fuji steam Turbine with two HRSGs total capacity is about 404MW. Gas turbine uses DLN 2.5 combustion technology.
Complex uses low Btu gas supplied from Uch Gas Field which located north of the power station at about 47 KM.
The Uch Project site is located about 600 km north of Karachi and 42 km in the north west of Jacobabad, in the Dera Murad Jamali sub-district of Baluchistan Province. Uch I and Uch II are located within a boundary wall covering an area of about 260 hectares of land including a residential colony.
Power generated is to evacuated to Sibbi and Shikarpur using 4 220kV transmission lines developed by a separate entity called National Transmission and Dispatch Company (“NTDC”), a sub-division of WAPDA which is government owned.
Because extreme remote location, it has one of the largest raw water pond in the region which holds the capacity of 60 days continuous running. Raw water is pumped from pat feeder canal.